Mar 9, 2020
Nazis are bad! The Communists who defeated them are good! Somehow, this is massively confusing to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney!
Joined by special guest Breht O'Shea of Revolutionary Left
Radio, Team Advantage examines Jason Kenney's confused sense of
history. Why is he such a big fan of the debunked Black Book of
Communism? Are Nazism and Communism the same, as Jason Kenney
proposes? Who (and what social forces) benefit from this reading of
Thanks to Breht O'Shea of Revolutionary Left Radio for joining us.
Find RLR at and on Twitter
Further reading:
Debunking: “Communism killed more people than naziism!” by Morgan
Why Are the Trump White House and Media Citing an Antisemitic
Book’s Claims to Demonize Communism? by Ben Norton
The “Double Genocide” Theory: The New and Official Form of
Holocaust Denial by Dovid Katz
Bill to remember 'Ukrainian Genocide' under Stalin treads tricky
ground by Lahav Harkov
Edmonton monument glorifies Nazi collaborator